• Advanced Chemistry Explorations
    PE diagrams
    Classroom Procedures:
    1.  This class is going to be project based.
             -- This means that you will have deadlines that you must meet. 
                Miss the deadline, meet your doom!
             -- We are going to combine chemistry class, laboratory and technology.
    2.  You are responsible for your work.
             -- Bring your required materials.
             -- Respect each other, me and deadlines.
    Required Materials:
    1.  Scientific or Graphing Calculator
    2.  3-Ring Binder (2 inch) with paper
    3.  Composition Notebook (one with the pages that can't be ripped out)
    4.  blue or black pens, pencils
    Additional Materials:
    1.  Netbook provided by school -- required everyday!!!
    2.  Textbook -- keep handy because you will be using it!
    Quarter Grades:    
             **Assignments willl include chapter outlines, homework packets, dittos and other items to 
             be developed at a later date.
    Final Grade: 
                            To calculate your final grade for this calss you add up the grade on all four quarters and a
                            final project or paper.  You devide this by five to get your final grade.
Last Modified on July 15, 2011